HPHS PTO Student Parking Raffle Order Form


Tickets on sale through February 22nd at 5PM! Purchase an entry for a chance to win a 2025-2026 HPHS Parking Pass - 1 entry for $20 or 10 entries for $100. Thank you for supporting HPHS PTO grants and programs!


Parking raffle winner may be from any grade level but must meet complete required parking course to obtain their permit. Winner will be announced at the Parents Night Event on Saturday, February 22nd and contacted via email. You need not be present at the event to win. 

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Parking Permit Raffle Ticket
Must be able to meet all HPHS Requirements
 10 Tickets
Must meet all HPHS requirements for parking
 General Donation
Additional contributions help fund even more student activities, scholarships and academic supports.